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What to Do to Access A Stall

Before you get and are able to access a stall, there are some steps you have to do. Each step is necessary to be done, otherwise, you might be failed to get you stall-key.

Do like and follow our page.


Check our Felicitizens to know whether your desired-character is available.


Find and fill the recruitment form on Shelter Inception, when we open our member recruitment period.


All the submitted forms will be sorted first and the result will be announced. As soon as the recruitment result is announced, put your signature on your workart or bio. Only workart and bio are accepted. You can find your signature here:
a. The Maltese from Felicity 
b. The Siamese at The Felicity


Make sure you have added all caretakers to your friendlist.


Do verification through page's private message. Here's the message you have to send to do verification:
• Nyaong/Woof! Good day, Caretakers! I am [your character's name] from [your affiliation] as [your breed signature], I'd like to sleep on my cozy room start from tonight. May I get my stall-key?
Woof! Good day, Caretakers! I am Beomgyu from TXT as The Maltese, I'd like to sleep on my cozy room start from tonight. May I get my stall-key?


Thus, take a good care of your stall-key and welcome to our shelter!

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